
Helpline Number : +91-6292234484

West Bengal Electronics Industry Development Corporation Limited

A Government of West Bengal undertaking

West Bengal Electronics Industry Development Corporation Limited was incorporated on 4th February, 1974 to shape the Electronics Industry in West Bengal. Being the nodal agency of the West Bengal Government for promoting IT and Electronics industries has over the years adapted to the changing requirements of the IT and ITeS industries. With the ever-evolving nature of IT/ITeS and Electronics industry, WBEIDCL has worked towards providing an adaptive eco-system by a host of proactive initiatives.


To become a world class self-reliant organization in IT, ITeS and Electronics sector by providing critical solutions to the Government and citizen-centric latest technology and innovations. To become a leader in IT & Electronics Education to ensure massive employment generation, Research & Development in IT and Electronics, products manufacturing and providing consultancy services to the organizations with national and international presence.

Webel Service - DPR of IT &I TeS - vetting

Required Document
  • Project Report
  • MOA
  • IT Return
  • Balance Sheet
Fees Rs/- 60000 +GST *

NOC for Renting Out Leased property

Required Document
  • Mother Deed with Webel
  • MOA
  • Agreement with Tenant
  • Trade License of Tenant
  • Balance Sheet (if necessary)
  • IT Return (if necessary)
You have to provide Tenant Name, Tenant GSTN No/PAN No & activity in the rented area(IT&ITes Activity or Commercial Activity), area in sq. ft. at the time of application *
Permission fees will be charged @Rs.3/sqft. + GST till the expiry of the Rental Agreement/Surrender of the space by the tenant

Certificate for Tax Exemption

Required Document
  • Trade License
  • Letter from NDITA
  • Copy Agreement
  • MOA
  • Balance Sheet
You have to provide area in sq. ft. at the time of application *
Fees Rs 5 per sq. ft. +GST *

Renewal of NOC Renting out Leased Property

Required Document
  • Original Deed
  • Renewal Deed
  • Old NOC
  • Last Invoice Issued By Webel
  • Mother Deed with Webel
  • MOA
  • Agreement with Tenant
  • Trade License of Tenant
  • Balance Sheet (if necessary)
  • IT Return (if necessary)
You have to provide Tenant Name, Tenant GSTN No/PAN No & activity in the rented area(IT&ITes Activity or Commercial Activity), area in sq. ft. at the time of application *
Permission fees will be charged @Rs.3/sqft. + GST till the expiry of the Rental Agreement/Surrender of the space by the tenant

Contact Us

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Contact Details
West Bengal Electronics Industry Development Corporation Limited
A Government of West Bengal undertaking Webel Bhavan,
  Block: EP & GP, Sector V, Bidhannagar, Salt Lake, Kolkata: 700 091
 Helpline Number : +91-6292234484